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An in-depth analysis of US political  discussion on Reddit

Browse subreddits or Political Leader:

Donald Trump

Using R to scrape and analyse Reddit comments

Looking across the board at word scores for comments related to Donald Trump, the polarising effect of his leadership is clear in the split of positive and negative terms. r/The_Donald clearly contains more frequent and higher scoring words, but this effect is also seen in the politics subreddit, perhaps due to crossover of users between these pages.


Looking at the distribution of scores here we can see that a huge amount of words relating to Trump actually score negative, this is perhaps due to the use of foul language in a positive context, such as this sample comment from one of the scrapes: "I fucking love this timeline." Obviously this is a positive comment, but the word 'fucking' carries a highly negative score and this could be pulling the overall scores to negative. 


Mean adjusted word score for comments

relating to Donald Trump

Looking at the most used words we can see that the most common negative words are mostly swear words and foul language, and other words relating to aggression in general. These reflect the common topics surrounding the President, such as Fake News and Illegal immigration, as both 'Fake' and 'Illegal' appear in the list. 

These faceted graphs show all comments by their Afinn score, we can see that r/The_Donald has an interesting pattern of using strongly positive or negative words when talking aout Donald Trump, with less use of intermediate words, while the opposite is true for r/politics and r/latestagecapitalism.

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