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An in-depth analysis of US political  discussion on Reddit

Browse subreddits or Political Leader:

Barack Obama

Using R to scrape and analyse Reddit comments

Looking across the board at word scores for comments related to Barack Obama, it comes as no shock that r/The_Donald fell far behind r/All in terms of positive scoring words, and used a higher number of strongly negative words. r/latestagecapitalism, when compared to r/All, did not mention the term 'Obama' anywhere near as frequently. r/politics stormed ahead in terms of positive language.


Negative scored words

scraped from about Barack Obama



Positve scored words

scraped from about Barack Obama

Looking at the most polarised words, we can see that most of the negative words associated with Obama are typically critical words, such as 'treason' or 'wrong' but also some foul and aggressive language again. In the positive words we see quite the opposite with 'love' and 'hope' appearing right near the top.  

The faceted data shows that overall, the language associated with Obama is strongly positive in r/politics and /latestagecapitalism, and quite the opposite for r/The_Donald. There is also an element of strong negative language in r/politics as well. 

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